Highest Level of Integrity

At the root of everything we do and the central focus of Caprock, is and will always be the success of our clients. We understand that our clients are the reason we exist and why we perform with a high level of focus, dedication, hard work, and creativity. We take great pride in our work and we are passionate about helping our clients succeed at the highest level possible.

Caprock Risk Management is a leading advisory and asset management firm that provides valuable services to the energy and commodity markets. Founded in 2006, Chris Jarvis is recognized within the industry as expert covering the energy and commodities markets, often appearing on the major television networks such as CNBC, FoxBusiness, Bloomberg, and Dow Jones among others.

Caprock provides services in Portfolio Management, Risk Management, Investment Banking, and Investment Funds with a specialization in the oil and gas sector.  Our services are built on a rigorous quantitative and qualitative process that has produced superior market intelligence and yielded a strong track record of success.  Our geographic expertise and experience is primarily focused on the Mid-Continent and Rockies regions including Louisiana, Mississippi, Kansas, Texas, Utah, Oklahoma, and Wyoming.

Caprock has a seasoned team of highly skilled professionals with expertise spanning geology, engineering, drilling and production, land, legal, client services, and finance.   With a combined experience of more than 85 years in the energy industry, Caprock’s focused expertise and key industry relationships helps create a tremendous advantage for our clients across our platform of services.

Caprock is recognized within the industry as market experts covering energy and commodities.